Echo Theohar

Feminist Pornographic Collective Consciousness


The feminist pornographic collective consciousness is defined by the constant battles between being a subject and an object of desire. That is not to say that subject and object must always exist as binary, however we recognize that in order to bring the mind-body issue closer to one another we must expand our notion and practice of love. This project imagines feminist pornography as a decolonial tool, where images and text are compiled to dig deep into human sexuality through the lens of intersectional feminist critique.

Toured Nah Fair 2017, The Los Angeles Art Book Fair, and concluded with workshop at Women's Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles, CA.

In collaboration with a.m. darke, Yuehao Jiang, Sanglim Han, Ke Peng, Xin Xin, Mary Maggic, Julie Weitz, Hillary Cleary, and Alice Jung

In distribution by Random Man